Archived Notoriety Award for Most Bloody and Foolish Death
To get the wheels of humiliation
turning, we brought you an ancient myth, handed down from generation to generation.
1: Unnamed Ancient Fighter Meets His Doom. Twice.
It was an era of ceaseless bloodshed.
Hordes of adventurers swarmed into the Drakenwood Burial Chambers, for they
had only recently revealed their secrets. The evil which lurks, even now,
in those dank shadows, had a reputation for severing limbs, sending even our
most powerful crashing to their knees. Life died down there many many times.
Our boldest and bravest faced
the horrors with conviction and determination. Our unnamed Ancient
Fighter was one of these noble heros.
Alas it was not to be his day.
His life ended with a beheading, and he only returned to this
realm thanks to an Ancient Cleric's resurrection miracle. As
soon as he had returned, and before the Ancient Cleric (who
had bunches tied with red ribbons, for no apparently good reason..)
could restore his health from it's critical position, Ancient
Fighter decided to rewear his armour, collected by a fellow
fighter from the very place that he met his doom.
It was most regrettable that
he failed to remember that his armour, oft worn, carried a mystical
curse. It sliced a small amount of health off with every wearing.
This took his already fragile
health back into the negative, ending his life rather more abruptly
than he expected.
It is even more regrettable that
not one of the gathered adventurers could help him return from
the spirit realm due to hysterical laughing...
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