Current Notoriety Award for Most Bloody and Foolish Death
A young Senjaz learns that even
the most pathetic and wimpy creature can be dangerous at times!
Number 8: Death by Acreii. Kinda...
A couple of people have said I should
tell my tale. It's a little foolish, more than a little embarrassing and also
a reminder of why quite often we'd all be better off if we just stayed in our
guild halls instead of getting wanderlust. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
This account then is for the
record since none other of it exists. Indeed a kindly wizard
took pity on me, resurrected me and put me back in the guild
good as new for the few minutes that remained until the world
As a young and impressionable
magus the Western Realms were exciting, they contained much
to be explored, prodded, poked, and kicked in an inquisitive
manner. At that time Drakenwood was a different place from what
it is today, much smaller, rougher and less civilised. Many
things would move to attack you. Along with the chaos worshippers
that had begun to infest the sewers beneath the town, everyone
had come across on their travels the most annoying of creatures
- the acreii. These small, stupid but totally vicious things
attacked everything on sight only to die a few moments later.
Back then a mythic being thought
to be an all powerful mage would appear each night just before
sunrise and tear our world apart. Then what Armageddon destroyed
Larnen recreated just a few moments later. People reawakened
with their clothing gone and a slight nauseous feeling. Most
ignored this inconvenience. A few sought to do something about
Later word had started to get
around that a number of the bravest adventurers had not only
encountered this Armageddon but had challenged him. Rimalax
with mastery over both his mind and body landed the final blow
that defeated Armageddon.**
Now this was something to see.
Imagine yourself in what was
known as Krasna Square and someone has left a manhole cover
You look about you....
Drakenwood Square
[4: n, e, s, w]
Small acreii enters.
Small acreii attacks you.
Small acreii attacks Armageddon.
Armageddon raises his hands to the dark, night sky and speaks
a command in a language that you do not understand.
The night sky is illuminated
by a ruddy glow as flaming red spheres appear in the heavens
and begin to descend.
are thrown off of your feet as several of the burning spheres
explode around you. Everywhere there is fire and the smell of
scorched flesh.
Hp: -122 Mp: 160
You die horribly.
are horrified to see a SECOND wave of burning meteors begin
to fall from the sky above!
Not the sort of thing easily
taken in at almost 6am.
* Or probably more accurately: Wondered if the world would still
die and be reborn if they killed Armageddon. Word also has it
that the world did still end without him for those of you that
are interested. This also comes after the major expedition of
the age to reach folk lore: the killing of Atmos - but that's
another story.
** Or in the words of one of
the other adventurers there, "bah, he got the lucky hit."
Thanks to Senjaz for submitting
this tale of foolish dying!
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