Picture by Ysgraithe
A Ranger is a carer of the forest, and the integrity and welfare of the forest should be maintained at all costs. The animals should be respected by the Rangers and only killed when necessary, certainly not for sport! | |
The traditions and values of the Rangers are sacred and should never be broken, to do this could result in the shunning of the ranger by the guild. | |
A Ranger should be loyal to other Rangers , and should always do their best to aid another Ranger in need. | |
An enemy of the forest, is an enemy of the Rangers. Anyone who has brought harm to the woodlands will at the very least lose the aid of the Rangers, and in extreme cases may gain their wrath. | |
Although the Rangers are skilled in making traps, and trapping their pray, the Rangers have agreed that they will not place traps on roads, or within the town limits. |