Clan Eagle best represent the ideal that precision of action and timing
can turn even the toughest battle. Of all the Clans, they also share
the closest links to their animal kin, even to the extent that Giant
Eagles have been known to fly to their aid in times of trouble. Clan
Eagle also benefit from vastly improved vision, not only the ability to
see through all but the darkest nights, but it is rumoured that they
can form telepathic links to the Eagles and view the world through their
eyes in some limited fashion. Although extremely rare, it is reported
that the most powerful members of Clan Eagle have at times summoned
flights of ancient, huge Eagles to strike down their foes. Fairly
obviously Clan Eagle prefer being under an open sky, and have an
extreme dislike for being underground.
Clan Eagle are kin to every type of Eagle found within the Western Realms,
but the lack of such birds means that it is hard to say if they are
particularly close with any one type.