This page briefly outlines the skills which become available to Rangers as they progress and advance through the levels.
Second Wind | A ranger, when on the verge of exhaustion can call upon this ability to get a last surge of energy with which they can try to escape or slay their foe. |
Lay Sign | Rangers can leave secret messages for one another to read, they remain totally hidden to members of other guilds, except druids may spot them but cannot read the secret signs. |
Whistle |
Rangers have a great affinity with the animals of the forests and often these animals have been known to help rangers out in times of need. The whistle skill is used by the rangers to call upon the small forest birds to distract their opponents in combat. |
Make Fire |
Rangers being outdoor types are able to build a campfire to provide light and warmth on those dark nights in the wilderness. Fires can only be built in areas where there is sufficient wood or other combustible materials.. |
Conceal | A ranger is able to conceal herself when outdoors, becoming next to invisible while they remain still. |
Track | Rangers are able to track their prey around the western realms, and at high enough levels can even track their prey indoors. |
Forest Call | Rangers have the ability to call animals to their assistance when fighting in forested areas. While with this ability a ranger is not able to control the animals, they will briefly come to the rangers aid in combat. |
Forage | A ranger is able to find edible plants and berries in outdoors areas, and thus can find a meal in even the most distant parts of the realms. Foraging is also known to help counter the effects of poisons. |
Skin Corpse | The art of tanning is something that most Rangers are quite proficient in. By using their skills, they are able to take the corpse of a monster, skin it, tan it, and shape it into either a cloak or a suit of armour. |
Fletching | Rangers are able to make or improve the quality of arrows, using just the materials available to them in the great outdoors. |
Feint | A ranger is able to feint with their sword, catching their opponent off guard, allowing several attacks before they are able to recover. |
Bandage | A ranger is able to bandage severed limbs, stanching the flow of blood. This ability can really prove to be a life saver when far away from a healer or cleric. |
Arrow Volley | A ranger is able to fire a volley of arrows into an enemy causing severe damage to their foe, sometimes the appearance of so many arrows in the air can cause an enemy to flee in panic! |
Game Hunting | A ranger is adept at the art of hunting, and can bring down large animals with a single shot, this skill can also be used to find food in the outdoors which is more nutritious than the berries and herbs found with the forage skill. |
Pursue Foe | A ranger can follow an enemy without their permission, making it very hard to run away from a ranger. |
Bowyer Craft | Rangers have the ability to fashion their own bows when in a forest! |
Ranged Shot | A ranger can shoot a bow with accuracy even at a greater distance, using this skill the ranger can shoot an enemy in an adjacent room! |
Slice | Slice is a technique taught to Rangers as they continue to progress up the ranks. It is based on the earlier 'feint' ability, but has been refined slightly, so that instead of allowing you a couple of extra attacks, you instead go for a single extremely accurate strike upon your out-flanked foe. |
Ambush | A ranger is able to leap out unsuspected at a victim, raining many blows on the surprised victim before they have time to react. |
Snaring | A ranger is able to set several different types of trap to catch their prey. From spiked pit traps to tripwires, this skill can be very deadly when used right. |
Dweomer-Craft | This ability is only available to primary single classed rangers, and rangers who have multi-classed as druids or warmages. This ability allows a ranger to use low level Druid and Warmage spells (although at a greater cost). |
Feed Animal | A ranger's animal may often become injured in combat and its life be endangered as a result. Rangers being the animal loving people they are, have been known to share their provisions with their animal kin, to keep them safe from death. |
Call Animal | This skill is used to call animals from the forest, these animals can then be trained by the ranger who called them. There are several different animals a ranger is able to train, from a rabbit through to a dangerous bear. |
Skewer | The Ranger draws his or her bow, and calls into existence a magical, silvery arrow, which flies with devastating accuracy and power to strike a foe. The arrow is purely magical, and thus able to pass through armour without loosing any of its potency, and can even pass through multiple targets, should they be standing behind each other! |
Clan Skills | The Ranger clans also have their own skills and abilities, but you will have to join a clan or ask a clan member to learn more of these. |