Clan Stag, like their forest dwelling kindred, are experts at evasion
and getting out of tight situations. More than any other Clan, they
understand that to stand and fight when the advantage is with your
opponent is foolhardy in the extreme. By choosing their battles
carefully, Clan Stag show a remarkable degree of success in combat,
and should the tide turn against them can deprive a hunter of his
kill. Some have made the mistake of believing this to be a sign of
weakness, and have paid for their mistake with their life. In particular
it is rumoured that the most powerful members of Clan Stag are taught a
devastating impalement attack, capable of felling an attacker instantly.
Clan Stag also gain incredible stamina, even by the standards of the
already hardy Rangers, and can cover extremely long distances without
needing to stop and rest. Members of this Clan are particularly unfond
of towns and built up areas, finding the closely packed streets to be
extremely claustrophobic.
Clan Stag are kin to all kinds of Deer and Stags, and show great affinity
to all such creatures.