Generally very nimble, but due to their frail appendages,
they have a low threshold of pain and are not incredibly strong. Most races find artrells'
insectoid appearance unattractive. They are of average intelligence and wisdom. They tend
to dwell in small communities in the clouds at the tops of mountains and thus are friendly
towards Dwarves and Faeries. Artrells have fully four spindly arms and they aren't hard to
The artrell is a humanoid-type creature with insectoid
traits. Particularly noticable are their heads, arms, and hands. They have larger than
normal eyes placed upon a face with skin of some thin membrane type tissue. They have a
small beak for a mouth. Their four arms are very thin and frail in appearance with long,
thick black hairs growing from them. The hands end in two plier-like fingers. For the most
part, their torso and legs are fully human-like, except the black hairs like the arm hairs
which grow on the legs. Their build is short and very thin. They have leathery black skin
and no hair.
Most common occupation:
Stat Ranges:
Str: 1-26, Int: 5-30, Wis: 5-30, Dex: 6-31, Con: 2-27, Cha: 4-29
Skill Bonuses:
Melee: -5, Double wielding: 20, Stealing: 5
Night Vision:
Average Height:
3' 6"
Average Weight:
4st 4lbs
Primary Language:
Reach Maturity at:
12 years of age

Picture by Ysgraithe@Elemud |
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