Dwarves are the second eldest of the races that dwell in
the Realms. They inhabit the deep mines that riddle the bowels of the land, driven on by
their overwhelming desire for money and gems. Dwarves stand between four and four and a
half feet in height, but are very stocky, weighing as much as a full grown human. Most
other races find them to be dour, ugly and taciturn folk, but they are respected for their
great courage and stamina.
These people have a dark, ruddy, complexion, with dark
coloured hair. Some few exhibit a much paler complexion, with red hair, which is often
seen as a sign of nobility among these earth dwellers.
Most common occupations:
Fighter, Cleric
Stat Ranges:
Str: 6-31, Int: 3-28, Wis: 6-31, Dex: 3-28, Con: 7-32, Cha: 2-27
Skill Bonuses:
Magic attack: -5, Blunt: 5, Magic defence: -5, Blade: 10, Attack: 5, Conjuring: -10
Night Vision:
Average Height:
4' 0"
Average Weight:
12st 7lbs
Primary Language:
Reach Maturity at:
70 years of age

Picture by Ysgraithe@Elemud |
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