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Elves are the most ancient of all the Realms' sentient races, with perhaps only the exception of the Dragons, which lurk in the untouched corners of the land. They are swift, intelligent and beautiful creatures, prone to living in deep forests, away from humans. They are neither as hardy nor strong as humans, and their numbers continue to dwindle as the years draw on.

Elves generally average about five feet in height, slightly below this for their kin who dwell deep in the forests and never have contact with humans. They tend to have pale skin, and deep, blue or green eyes. Hair colour varies immensely, ranging from jet black to silver, although deep browns and golden blonde seem most common.

Most common occupations:
Warmage, Druid, Rogue

Stat Ranges:
Str: 4-29, Int: 8-33, Wis: 5-30, Dex: 7-32, Con: 3-28, Cha: 7-32

Skill Bonuses:
Melee: -5, Woodcraft: 10, Two handed: -5, Stealth: 5, Murder: -5, Projectile: 5, Conjuring: 5

Night Vision:
Excellent Average

5' 0"

Average Weight:
7st 2lbs

Primary Language:

Reach Maturity at:
100 years of age

Picture by Ysgraithe@Elemud

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