Giants are without question the strongest sentients ever
to exist. They are capable of taking hits which would kill other beings, but they rank
down with the orcs in intelligence. As with most creatures of such great size, they are
not too amazing at moving around. They are found rather unappealing by people of most
other races, a reaction caused by both their unpleasant looks, unhygenic tendencies and
foul dispositions. Giants generally dislike the 'little people' and rarely stoop to
associate with them. Naturally this tends to make giants extremely unpopular and they are
thus very unwelcome in civilised lands.
Giants stand approximately ten feet tall. Although they
are much like humans in appearance, their great size distorts their features in a
grotesque sort of way. Their skin and hair colours vary as greatly as those of humans, but
they are mostly dirty and matted whatever colour exists beneath the grime.
Most common occupations:
Stat Ranges:
Str: 10-35, Int: 0-25, Wis: 0-25, Dex: 1-26, Con: 9-34, Cha: 0-25
Skill Bonuses:
Two handed: 15, Stealth: -15, Attack: 10, Polearm: 10, Defence: -15, Conjuring: -10,
Staff: 5, Woodcraft: -20, Melee: -10, Magic attack: -10, Knife: -10, Magic defence: -10, Double wielding: -15
Night Vision:
Average Height:
10' 0"
Average Weight:
Primary Language:
Reach Maturity at:
50 years of age

Picture by Ysgraithe@Elemud |
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