The history of the nymphs is an obscure one. They have
lived in the deep forests for as long as even the elves can remember, and seem to possess
an perpetual youthfulness. Rumour has it that there are no male nymphs and that the
species perpetuates by either breeding with travellers such as elves, humans and the like,
or that they are bound to special trees and share the tree's life cycle. Neither is
definite, and the Nymphs dont tell. They are incredibly beautiful people, intelligent and
fleet. They are though neither strong, sturdy or particularly filled with wisdom,
seemingly driven more by impulse than by thought.
Nymphs have a penchant for seduction and can often
hoodwink shopkeepers and the like into large discounts! They can type 'help seduce' for
fuller details. They can also shape robes out of the magical leaves of their trees to
protect them. 'help shape' will tell them more.
Nymphs appear to be beautiful women, averaging perhaps
just under 5 1/2 feet. Their hair is normally the brown of the forests, and in their eyes
are the green hues of their woods. Skin colour varies a great deal, but they are often
fair coloured, much like the Elves.
Most common occupations:
Rogue, Druid
Stat Ranges:
Str: 1-26, Int: 7-32, Wis: 3-28, Dex: 9-34, Con: 1-26, Cha: 10-35
Skill Bonuses:
Melee: -10, Woodcraft: 15, Bargaining: 20, Murder: -20, Healing: 5, Attack: -5
Night Vision:
Average Height:
5' 6"
Average Weight:
8st 13lbs
Primary Language:
Reach Maturity at:
100 years of age

Picture by Ysgraithe@Elemud |
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