
The Ranger Guild does not go in for flowery
speaking and waxing lyrical about the hues of brown in the Autumn leaves. It gets on with
skinning, killing and living in the woods..
A high level Ranger is absolutely deadly
with a bow, and this skill is one of
the reasons why. The Ranger draws his or her bow, and calls
into existance a
magical, silvery arrow. The damage done depends on the time
of day.
Rangers are the true masters of survival in the great outdoors.
While most
adventurers will always end their journey in an inn or the safety
of their guildhall (or at the very least in a nice warm tent),
a ranger is able to build his own shelter in the forests and
jungles. This will enable rangers with sufficient knowledge
of woodcraft to start from outdoor locations which would otherwise
be impossible without obtaining a tent.
Call Animal
A high level Ranger is a friend to all the various animals of
the forest, often risking his or her life to defend them. It
is perhaps natural, therefore, that should the tables be turned,
and in be the Ranger in need of aid, that he can
call in turn on his woodland friends to aid him.
Feed Animal
A ranger's animal may often become injured in combat and its
life be endangered as a result. Rangers being the animal loving
people they are, have been known to share their provisions with
their animal kin, to keep them safe from death. Using this skill,
the ranger can feed some of his food to their animal.
Rapid Shot
The rangers are experts with the bow like no others. As rangers
the intricacies
of the bow they learn to shoot arrow after arrow at a rate almost
too fast for the eye. Using this skill will enable a ranger
to get extra shots with his bow before his opponent can react.
After extended use a ranger's bow may become damaged and therefore
less effective. Sometimes it may not be possible to find a a
replacement weapon, and therefore rangers have learnt to make
minor repairs to the bow shaft and string, prolonging its life.
Developed from a form of hunting, a high level Ranger has a
formidable skill with traps and snares. Such snares are normally
used to disable or trap an opponent rather than kill, although
the Ranger can use any type he so desires. Choose from Tripwire,
Mantrap, Pit or Spikes.
In a fight where you are not vastly stronger, the key to victory
can often be simply that of surprise. Being trained in the arts
of stealth, Rangers understand this, and have means to use it
for their advantage.
Slice is a technique taught to Rangers as they continue to progress
up the ranks. It is based on the 'feint' ability, but has been
refined slightly, so that instead of allowing you a couple of
extra attacks, you instead go for a single extremely accurate
strike upon your out-flanked foe.
Ranged Shot
While most missile combat takes place at reasonably short range,
a Ranger is skilled enough to be accurate at much longer distances.
Thus with this skill she can fire an arrow into an adjacent
room, and hit her enemies.
By means of this skill, a Ranger can create a new bow out of
its various components, and soon have fashioned a weapon of
high quality. The Ranger will need to ensure he or she picks
up a bow string from the guild, but apart from that, all the
components he or she will need can be found in the wilds. Three
different types are available.
Disable Snare
This ability enables rangers to disable snares which have been
laid by themselves or other rangers.
Herbal Salve
Rangers often live for many months in the great outdoors, far
from the safety of society. During these times they may suffer
from injuries, and so they have learned to heal those injuries
using herbal salves. A ranger can quickly gather up herbs to
form a salve, which she can then apply to an injured limb to
speed up the healing process.
Sometimes a hunt can turn into a headlong chase, with your target
trying desperately to lose you. While lesser guilds would soon
lose their mark, a Ranger has many ways to ensure that their
foe does not escape.
Game Hunting
Just as a low level Ranger learns to forage to stave off hunger,
his more senior comrades also learn techniques to provide them
with food. Rather than plants, though, a more experienced Ranger
can learn to hunt small game, and even to bring down larger
Arrow Volley
As a Ranger continues to advance herself, she gains in magical
as well as material arts. While still unable to wield magical
forces to the same degree as even the most novice Warmage, a
Ranger is, unlike the Warmage, able to combine her magic with
potent martial skills to cause extremely deadly effects.
Apply Bandage
While Rangers are not overly violent
by nature, it is perhaps inevitable that combat needs to be
sometimes joined, and wounds are often received. Now although
a Ranger cannot heal such wounds by any magical methods, what
he or she can certainly do is bandage a limb to prevent it from
Rangers are experts with bows, they are also deadly when wielding
swords or other bladed weapons. One little trick that seems
that only Rangers have mastered is the feint. The Ranger makes
an obvious attack to one side of an opponent, and then as the
target moves to parry it, they slide the blade in their hand,
bring the blow to strike somewhere completely different.
Rangers are experts with bows and combined with their rather
nomadic and outdoor lifestyle, it is little wonder that the
ability to make arrows is taught relatively early to new Rangers.
But Rangers are not just able to make arrows....they are able
to make very GOOD arrows, and some rather unusual enes too.
Skin Corpse
The art of tanning is something that most Rangers are quite
proficient in. By using their skills, they are able to take
the corpse of a monster, skin it, tan it, and shape it into
either a cloak, a suit of armour, quivers and even armour for
their pets.
A Ranger need never worry about running out of food when out
in the wilds, as his or her exceptional knowledge of flora means
that he or she will be able to find edible plants in most outdoor
environments. Thus said Ranger can 'forage' and expect a fulfilling,
if not entirely exciting, meal.
Rangers are able to call to the forest animals for aid in combat,
if successful one of the larger forest animals will appear briefly
inflicting a painful attack on the ranger's opponent.
Rangers are able to call upon the woodland animals to stand
sentry for them. These animals will immediately warn the ranger
who called them should they be disturbed by another living creature
Make Fire/Brand
Rangers being outdoor types are able to build a campfire to
provide light and warmth on those dark nights in the wilderness.
Fires can only be built in areas where there is sufficent wood
or other combustible materials. Once you have made a fire, you
can also use this skill to make a flaming brand, which you can
use as a torch to light your way, or a very crude weapon to
fight with..
Rangers have a great affinity with the animals of the forests
and often these
animals have been known to help rangers out in times of need.
The whistle skill is used by the rangers to call upon the small
forest birds to distract their opponents in combat.
By use of this ability, a Ranger is able to start tracking somebody,
and from that point onward, can search for tracks in the outdoors,
and find any left by the tracked individual, so long as they
have been left since the ranger began tracking them. Rangers
with a woodcraft above 100 are able to follow tracks indoors
A Ranger spends most of her time outdoors and in rural settings,
so it should come as no surprise that she is able to conceal
herself extremely well in such surroundings should the need
arrive. As long as there is sufficient cover (e.g. a forest,
hills, jungle or the like), she can blend into the undergrowth
so as to become virtually invisible.
Lay Sign
Rangers often wish to communicate privately, or leave messages
for each other that will be beyond the understanding of lesser
guilds. By means of this ability, they can do just that.
As any adventurer knows...exhaustion can be as deadly a foe
as any monster. When someone gets exhausted their skills ebb
away as a dramatic rate, leaving the person almost defenceless
and unable to flee. A Ranger need not fear this to such a great
extent though, for through training they have learned to be
able to conserve a small pocket of their endurance and call
upon it later.
+ Rangers can also join a clan
from level 15 upwards, the clan chosen will have an effect on
the standard skills as well as providing its own unique abilities
and bonuses to the ranger.
++ Noble Rangers gain a special
mastery of archery, and can fire off more shots in a round than
any other guild.
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