Rangers are the
people of the forest. They live off the products of the forest,
help out animals in need and feel more at home among the trees
than the tall buildings. Rangers are skilled hunters and trackers.
They are also wise in the ways of animals, it has been known
for animals to aid Rangers in combat.
Rangers are dedicated
to nature and life in all its forms, and strive to defend it
from the ravages of civilization. While personal freedoms are
key to a Ranger's world view, so too is the view that life is
to be preserved where possible. Thus Rangers sway decidedly
towards the 'good' side on the great pendulum of good and evil.
Rangers are able
to skin their prey and make their hides into armour and cloaks,
this skill along with their ability to forage and hunt for food
enables them to survive alone in the fierce outdoor lands of
the realms. As a result of spending their lives wandering across
the lands tracking animals, the Rangers are very fit and are
able to travel long distances without tiring.
At higher levels
Rangers can join a clan, the clans are each sworn to protect
a specific animal and all clan members gain special abilities
based on the animal they choose to protect.
in Charge: Stom
Wizard: Eldge
Primary Stats: Dexterity, Charisma
and Constitution
Primary Skills: Attack, Blade,
Projectile and Woodcraft and Stealth
Secondary Skills: Defence, Healing,
Knife, Armoury and Thrown
Tertiary Skills: Bargaining, Melee,
Blunt, Double wielding and Whip
From his encampment in the woods,
Stom offers all Rangers and potential Rangers a chance to relax
by a campfire with a mug of herbal tea, while the summoned animals
frolic in the sunshine. Take your seat here.
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