Who are the
Azazel and Tanith. Everyone
happy with that? Lovely.. Eh? What? You want to know more about them? Really??
Oh, er, ok. Hang on..
Azazel is an old git,
dating back a long way on the Mud. Mind you, back then he
was just a Newbie and suddenly shot to Wizard quicker than
you can say 'Oi, Larnen, make me a Wiz.' His area is almost
done, apparently. Bearing in mind that it's taken more than
thirteen years so far, this would be an occasion of note! |
Mistress Tanith was also a pure-class Druid turned Arch.
She is affiliated to the Law and Events Department, and
also the Druid Guild Wizard, and with a workload like hers,
it is impressive she has retained any degree of sanity.
She also works strongly with the Drakenwood Council to keep
them aware of the link between Wiz Law and Player Law. |
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