Featured Paged
Our current featured
player page belongs to none other than the dubious Rogue,
Swifteye Calafalas.
He has used his
materialistic leanings and his intimate knowledge of the shiny
and sparkly items in the Western Realms to put together one
pretty impressive resource.
On Swifteyes'
Elephant Kit page you can search for a weapon or armour suitable
for your level or find the location of a specific item. You
can also compile the perfect kit set for your character or
maybe you want to find out what the discerning adventurer
is going to be wearing or wielding next level?
For all your kit
requirements, this is an up to date list and a continuously
developed site not to be missed!

If you have a
website that you would like to see featured in this section
please 'mail external' on Elephant Mud or email