
Rogues are all about
avarice. Through the use of stealth and subtlety it is the aim
of the rogue to become as rich as they possibly can. Adept at
slight of hand, rogues are masters of acquiring other adventurer's wealth
through picking pockets, lifting bags, or even a crude snatch
and run. Whilst they are able combatants when pressed, having
a good knowledge of the bodies weak spots, a rogue should seek
to avoid direct combat, fleeing rather than standing and fighting
if caught with their hand in another's pocket.
The rogue guild is a strong family
for those who have grown up with none. The guild also has its
iron hand in the form of assassins and bandits, who may be called
upon to keep the house in order, or rarely to perform a guild
sanctioned assassination.
Above all a rogue should be unnoticed,
a rogue which attracts too much
unfavourable attention from the town council upon themselves
and the guild should expect a severe reprimand from their peers.
Races with high dexterity make
the best rogues.
in Charge: Dval
Deputy Wizard: Scarlet
races: Halfling, Faerie,
Half-orc, Artrell.
Primary Stats: Dexterity, Charisma
and Intelligence
Primary Skills: Double wielding,
Stealing, Knife, Defence, Stealth, Skullduggery Murder and Bargaining
Secondary Skills: Projectile, Blade,
Armoury, Whip, Attack and Thrown
Tertiary Skills: Melee
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