
Warmages are spell casters of the highest
calibre. They draw their power from a number of sources, ranging from the elemental powers
of the earth, to the Demonic entities that lurk in the outer planes. Basically Warmages
are totally absorbed in their magic, either as a means to material gain, or just for the
pure pleasure of casting spells, as they relish being part of the minority who can
understand the arcane lore required to wield magic.
In combat, and matters of stealth and faith, Warmages fare poorly, for all their time is
devoted to the perusal of eldrytch literature, much of which is better left unread. They
need a very high intelligence to comprehend such works, and a high wisdom helps them wield
more magical might. Dexterity is also of use to them, for the intricate gestures and
sigils that must be made and written require fluidity of movement.
At the low levels, when their grasp of the magical arts is but limited, Warmages have a
very hard time, but when they reach the levels of Magus, they are formidable opponents
Wizard in Charge: Azazel
Primary Stats: Intelligence, Wisdom and Dexterity
Primary Skills: Magic attack, Magic defence, Conjuring and
Secondary Skills: Projectile, Defence, Knife, Bargaining,
Blunt and Thrown
Tertiary Skills: Armoury, Melee, Attack and Blade
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