
Druids are players who draw their power from the elemental forces
of Nature. They do not see Nature as a deity, but rather as
a state of being and an indication of the ideal way of life.
The Way, as it is known, directs them to maintain a balance
in all things, to venerate certain days of the year when the
natural forces are at their strongest, and gives them the knowledge
required to harness the natural powers. Druids learn the art
of woodcraft and healing and are also accomplished conjurers,
but unlike Warmages, they draw their power from the natural
energy of the planet, as opposed to the Outer Planes. Their
form of conjuring is more akin to elementalism in nature.
The intensity of a Druid's spells is tied to many more things
than for most other spellcasters. The phases of the moon, their
natural environment, any extreme of weather and the 'balance'
of good and evil are all things that a Druid must be aware of.
In addition, a Druid must harvest mistletoe in order to cast
spells, for mistletoe is to them as a Holy Symbol is to a Cleric.
A Druid should have a good wisdom and charisma, for only the
wise can understand the Way and only the charismatic can entreat
the many creatures of the Realms to aid them. Most spells require
these two stats for their effectiveness. In addition, a Druid
would do well to have a high constitution, to give them the
hardiness to deal with those who would disturb the Balance and
the Way.
Wizard in Charge: Tanith
Wizard: Torallion
Primary Stats: Wisdom, Charisma
and Constitution
Primary Skills: Blunt, Conjuring,
Woodcraft, Healing and Staff
Secondary Skills: Blade, Attack,
Defence, Bargaining and Armoury
Tertiary Skills: Melee and Thrown
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