
These people form
a very diverse group whose only common theme is that they have
devoted their lives to learning the skills of combat. People
of this class may be good evil or neutral, they may serve a
pious king, or they may serve only themselves. But they generally
should have high strength and constitution to aid them in their
physical battles. They spend much of their learning time studying
how to use weapons of different types, as well as mastering
hand-to-hand combat and self-defense.
Fighters can gauge the strength of opponents, and have a fair
knowledge of weapons and armour. They get the most hitpoints
of any class.
Wizard in Charge: Prozac
Wizard: Moloch
Primary Stats: Strength, Constitution
and Dexterity
Primary Skills: Blade, Blunt, Attack,
Two handed, Armoury and Polearm
Secondary Skills: Double wielding,
Defence, Melee, Projectile, Knife, Thrown, Whip and Staff
Tertiary Skills: Bargaining
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